The sun was finally reaching our slip and to get some sun into the cockpit we decided to turn Mist around. The ice situation made it impossible to turn at the dock. We fired up the engine and motored out into Hamburgsund strait. The weather was so nice that we decided to take a trip round Hamburgö. It was rather cold but the scenery fantastic with snow covered islands and islets.
The channel between Hamburgsund and Hamburgö, going north towards “Sunnegapet”.
The temperature minus 7 degrees centigrades.
Passing SandviksholmenSandviksholmen lighthouse.Saltskärs käring in the distance
The Inn at Storön is open all year around and there is no harbour fee wintertime, you just pay for electricity.
We had booked a table for new years eve, there was five course dinner on the menu. Wine was only served until eight a´clock due to Corona restrictions.
We left our slip before noon the day before new years eve and motored across the harbour for a quick chat with our friends on the yacht Moon.
There was almost no wind at all and we motored out of Hamburgsund and the course was set for Storön, the biggest of the “weather Islands”.
The temperature was a few degrees above freezing and the morning drizzle had stopped. I did not feel so cold. On the AIS we could see that Moon had left Hamburgsund and was heading towards Storön. We could also see three more boats heading in the same direction.
When we reached Storön we reversed into the small harbour, it is difficult to turn in the narrow harbour. As soon as we had tied up it was time to greet Moon welcome and take there lines. At the end of the day there were eight boats in the harbour.
We had a very nice dinner at the inn. There were 46 guests at dinner, not bad considering the location and Corona situation.
On the first day of 2021 we felt it was time to move on and we left the harbour and hoisted our sails headed for Kalvö outside Havsstensund, one of our favourite destinations. When we reached Kalvö our friends on Moon was already there. There was plenty of space for us both in the small harbour.
Mist at Kalvö harbour
At Kalvö, Trossö, Lindö there is plenty of trails and we spent time walking, fixing things on the boat and taking photographs.
Moon left for Resö but we stayed another day. We went into Havsstensund to fuel up and we headed south towards Hamburgsund in a dying northerly wind.
Chatting with Moon
Just south of Tanum Strand we caught up Moon and we sailed together in chatting distance for a while. The wind died and we stared our engines. Moon went for Fjällbacka and we tied up in Hamburgsund before it got dark.
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