After a couple of weeks in Hamburgsund working on the boat and for a living we had another appointment in Gothenburg and once again we decided to take the boat. We left Hamburgsund thursday the 13th of may. Nice but slow sailing, we took the outside route so we didn´t have to open the Soten bridge. We stopped for the night at Bohus Malmön where we moored in the fishing harbour.

Friday morning we continued souths towards Käringön. Very slow sailing and after only a couple of miles we had to start the engine. The marina at Käringön was packet with boats and we had to moore on the outside of the jetty, not really a problem as the weather was calm.
We tried to book a table at Petersons krog, a really good restaurant but all tables were booked so we had lunch at Lotshotellet instead.

We went for a walk and took this seasons first dip in the ocean, 12 degrees a bit to cold.

The next morning we continued to Dyrön where we moored in the south harbour.
We went for a hike round the island.

Next stop was Marstrand, motoring in strong headwinds. Not many boats in Marstrand.

Then finally Gothenburg where we moored at Lindholmen.