We had some appointments in Gothenburg and decided to take the boat. We left Hamburgsund at noon on Saturday the 10th of April. Strong westerly winds and we rolled out the jib and left the mainsail in the stack pack. We managed to keep a average speed of 5 knots with just the jib. The seas were really confused and choppy when we passed Valö huvud, as usual but it only lasts for a short while. We motored through the Soten canal and rolled out the jib again after the canal. After Smögen we had the wind from behind and had smooth sailing. We stopped at Lilla Kornö, after 4 hours and 20 nautical miles of really nice sailing.
Lilla Kornö is a small island with a small harbour, in the summer it is packed with boats but now we were the only visiting boat. Water and electricity was available but no harbour fee, too early in the season.

This little island is so nice that we decided to stay another day. We went for walks and socialised with the locals, no one lives here all year round but there were a few people around.

Tuesday morning we left Lilla Kornö and continued south. We had a broad reach and made good progress, really smooth sailing and good speed. When we moored in the tiny harbour at Grötö in the afternoon our average speed had been 6,5 knots, distance 41 nautical miles. After supper we went for a walk round the northern part of Grötö.

Wednesday morning we motored into Gothenburg, we had a strong current against us but the sun was shining and there was no wind at all and the sea was completely flat.

We borrowed a slip at Lindholmen, close to all the places we had to visit, all reachable by bicycle.