
We cast off a quarter past eight in the morning. No wind at all to start with. The plan was to sail to Glommen but the wind was westerly and we could steer directly at Anholt. Close hauled but doing good speed. After lunch the wind shifted and there was no way we could reach …


Our friends on Sy Capella were going north to Henån and we were planning to go to Gothenburg for the weekend so we decided to meet half way, at Mollösund. We left Hamburgsund at 9.20 in the morning. The forecast promised around 15 knots of wind and in a favourable direction. We had a nice …


We left Rott a quarter to six in the morning. Wind in the right direction but light. The sea was choppy and irregular and the sails were flapping. Ended up sailing with just the code which was OK. Some other sailing boats around. We moored at the same place as the last time we were …


After 2 days at Utsira we continued south, we left at 9 am and motored all the way to Rott. No wind and up to 2,5 knots of current, in the wrong direction of course. We arrived at Rott 4.30 pm. The harbour was almost deserted, just some people that had spent the weekend here, …


After reversing out of Kvalvåg´s narrow harbour we set sail and had a really nice sail south. It started with a broad reach in about 15 knots of wind and after a while it became a beam reach and in the end close hauled with one reef in the main. We arrived at the north …


We left Bergen an hour before noon after buying some fish at the fish market. Motoring at first but after a while we could set sail and slowly beating south. The last couple of miles to the island of Stolmen we had to motor, almost no wind and the current against us. We arrived at …

Bergen again

We were getting a bit low on fuel so we decided to go to Bergen to fill up. Motoring again, through the narrow sounds east of Radöy. Really nice. Bergen harbour was almost full, we had to moor alongside another sailing boat, a Greek Hanse. Sailed distance 41,3 nautical miles.